Most Holy Trinity Catholic School

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Support Services

  • Title I Tutoring Services:  Ysleta ISD and El Paso ISD provide tutoring services to our students who live within those district boundaries. Services are provided during the school day.                                                         
  • Special Education Services: Ysleta ISD provides testing for Learning Dixabilities, Speech and Dyslexia. Speech Therapy is provided on campus.                                                                                                
  • After school Care:  Most Holy Trinity School After-School Care Program strives to create and maintain a Catholic atmosphere that is enjoyable, positive, healthy, and safe with varied activities, including supervised play and homework time. Snacks and drinks are available.
  • Friendzy: Our guidance program is conducted during class time by the teachers. During this time the students learn about themselves, their families, their friends and values. This is done with an emphasis on faith, which calls for us to be holy in our thoughts, words and actions and compassionate toward others. 
  • Counseling Services: We do not have a counselor on duty. Should the need arise, we will work to refer students or families in need of counseling to the Diocese Catholic Counseling Services. 
  • Our School Nutrition Program provides free breakfast and lunch to our students. It is part of our School Wellness Program. which provides for physical education. recess, healthy meals and the promotion of healthy foods. Please see a copy of our School Wellness Policy below. 