Most Holy Trinity Catholic School

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Safe Environment - VIRTUS Training


From the Diocese of El Paso:

Dioceses/Parishes are to maintain "safe environment" programs which the diocesan/eparchial bishop deems to be in accord with Catholic moral principles. They are to be conducted cooperatively with parents, civil authorities, educators, and community organizations to provide education and training for minors, parents, ministers, employees, volunteers, and others about ways to sustain and foster a safe environment for minors. Dioceses/parishes are to make clear to clergy and all members of the community the standards of conduct for clergy and other persons with regard to their contact with minors.”-

2018 Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, p. 65.


The Diocese of El Paso has developed a Safe Environment training program for diocesan personnel who work with minors, parents, children and youth.  The diocesan program for adults contains information describing appropriate and inappropriate behaviors, what abuse is, how to identify behaviors which may be used by those seeking to abuse, and possible signs of abuse.  There is emphasis on the legal requirement to report suspected abuse to the appropriate authorities.  


The program for youth and children is designed to help them understand what appropriate behavior and inappropriate behavior are.  It also provides information on how to recognize common methods of luring minors into dangerous situations.  There will be an emphasis on telling an appropriate adult if abuse or inappropriate behavior should occur.


All Most Holy Trinity Staff will receive VIRTUS training prior to beginning work at the school. We will also train all parent volunteers who actively work with children. We will also provide awareness training to our children to help them understand what appropriate behavior and inappropriate behavior is, as well as information on how to recognize common methods of luring minors into dangerous situations.  There will be an emphasis on telling an appropriate adult if abuse or inappropriate behavior should occur.


For more information on the VIRTUS program, please contact Mrs. Irma Zuniga at most Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 915- 751-6416. To learn more about the  Virtus© program or register for training click here: